Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Setting Intentions...Living Consciously

2014 is my Year for Easy, Simple, and Fun

My Current Vision Board
My doing, entrepreneur, NYC-minded self (or self-bully) looks at my 2014 intention and scoffs: "What are you, a preschooler? Where are the goals; the financial abundance, client building, be all you can be for everyone resolutions? Easy, Simple, Fun--that sounds like an excuse to be lazy and not accomplish anything in the name of inner-peace."

But my intention has nothing to do with "not-doing" and everything to do with How I am choosing to approach my business, my relationships, and my life.

EASY--I am choosing to know that every new challenge, opportunity and goal will be Easy to resolve, step-up to, or achieve. It is a mindset that allows me to not panic, to not assume difficulty or hardship. Easy allows me to breathe and get centered in the moment.

SIMPLE--As an over-thinker, over-preparer, my habit has been to think up all the what-ifs, plan many options, and practice all the arguments, so that I can have the Right answer. By consciously choosing Simple, decision making is no longer about The Right answer, but the best solution for Right Now.  By going for Simple, I still prepare, but take the stress and pressure out of the results.  The most obvious answer--the simplest solution--is many times the best one for right now.

FUN--Such a little, happy word and feeling. One that I have labeled frivolous and less-than for years.  I had the attitude that if Fun happened, that it was a bonus, but rarely a goal.  Now I look for Fun. Fun tends to include adventure, companions and accomplishment. For me Fun has a bit of savoring rather than rushing.  Fun is the energy of high-fives, mid-summer sno-cones, crunching fall leaves and scenic detours. Fun can be planned, or better yet, spontaneous.

So--How is my year going so far? Easy-- I put out the intention of more coaching clients--and I have 3 new clients from 3 different connections. Simple-- Someone committed bank fraud on my accounts--withdrawing thousands of dollars. I took a breath and set my intention and within 3 days it was resolved with no penalty. Fun--I'm saying yes to art days, game nights and coffee with friends. So far, so good I'd say!

We are powerful beings. When you set your mind and heart to something, you have the power to bring it alive in your life. What is your intention for 2014?

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